
Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Hair Inspiration

I am stuck in a 'hair rut'. I'm sure we've all been there. In fact I have been here before but alas, I was just too darn lazy (and admittedly a bit scared) to do anything about it. However, I figure a new season, new chapter in my life with university, and a new found love in the Pinterest hair boards.... I thought a new 'do would be fitting right about now.

Thus, after hours of procrastination from my university assignments *slaps wrists* on Pinterest I have come up with a few ideas of what I have in mind for my new 'do.

 Image found via Pinterest

Image found via Pinterest

                                                                         Image found via Fabsugar

How can you not love these girls hair?! That effortless, slightly wavy look is my ultimate favourite. Especially because it would take me close to no time at all to style it in the mornings, instead of spending an age on my long mop- I will be having some quality time, just my bed and I.

What's your preference on hair length? Long, medium, short?



  1. I have to say short hair, because mine is short :) but seriously, how can you not love Emma Stone?


  2. Love me some nice hait too! They look gorgeous :)
    Maybe you want to follow me back? xx

  3. Love these hair styles, so effortless! Would look gorgeous on you I'm sure :)
